Location: Blumenau, Brazil
Client: Prefatura Municipal de Blumenau
Collaborators: Caza arquittetura
Boma (estructura)
Year: 2011
The project of a bridge and a footbridge over the Itajaí-Açu River, in the centre city of Blumenau, is integrated into the plan in order to improve connectivity between the two river banks as well as generating a major activity flow and intensity around this unifying element of the city.
Jeroni Martí 13 · Bellaterra, Barcelona
(+34) 93 591 03 21 ·
The project of a bridge and a footbridge over the Itajaí-Açu River, in the centre city of Blumenau, is integrated into the plan in order to improve connectivity between the two river banks as well as generating a major activity flow and intensity around this unifying element of the city.
The project is conceived with a clear gravity strategy. That is to say that two structural systems are defined. They work with the gravity in a countered manner in order to resolve two different environments: a COMPRESSION bridge as a huge element characteristic of the city centre defined by big built blocks, and a TRACTION footbridge as an element incorporeal and intangible characteristic of Green Parks articulated around the river.
The bridge has been conceived as a dynamic structure that recovers and brings Blumenau’s existing bridges geometry up to date. The structure is constituted by two tangent arches from which circulation road, located in the bridge axis, hang by means of a set of triangularized wire-cables
The footbridge section type is generated through the characteristic image of the leaning covertures of the most representative buildings of the city. This image is defined by a section that recovers formally these first constructions. The section is constituted by a double metallic neck in the base of which the variable section circulation platform is defined. It causes an environment changing from the more opened, green and dark part of the northern bank park where there is a more intimate and private atmosphere, to the most urban and busy environment of the southern bank.